Restoring balance with Visionary Craniosacral Work.

German Shepard holding a stethoscope

Take a deep breath.

What can Visionary Craniosacral help with?

▶︎ address the root cause

▶︎ bring back a state of calm

▶︎ treat emotional and physical pain and trauma

What is Visionary Craniosacral Work?

Craniosacral Work addresses the physical, spiritual, and emotional body. In a state of optimal health, the bones of the cranium, along with the spine and sacrum, move in a subtle rhythmic wave. This movement can be interrupted which creates an imbalance in the body, affecting movement, fluidity, and tension.

This interruption can occur when physical or emotional trauma cause any of the bones throughout the body or cranium to become restricted or compressed, each one affecting the other. In addition, when injury or trauma occurs, it also gets lodged in the tissues and organs and is stored in the cellular memory creating blockages until released. This supremely gentle energetic touch goes very deeply into the body to release these holding patterns, creating space to restore openness, fluidity, balance, alignment, healing and wholeness.

The Visionary aspect of Craniosacral Work allows deep “listening” and tracking through time and space and healing issues that have an origin in a much earlier time.

Who is it for?

Learn more about the types of animal and human conditions that can be treated, what happens in a session, rates, working with your doctor or veterinary, and more.

Craniosacral for animals
Craniosacral for humans

What others have experienced.

Ready to schedule a session?

Feel free to reach out with questions or get started by scheduling a session.

Energy healing branch
Energy healing branch